Consult the areas we work in and the treatments available in our clinic.
Dental implants are placed in the maxillary or mandibular bone to create a root on which to adapt the crowns that will replace the teeth.
One or more teeth can be replaced by means of single, partial or total prostheses. These titanium pieces are capable of restoring the function of our natural teeth. The approximate time from the time the implant is performed until they can be loaded varies between 2 and 4 months. It is possible to shorten recovery times. It all depends on the patient’s bone quality.
All these surgical treatments can be performed under the effects of sedation. sedationThis allows the patient to remain calmer and the postoperative period to be less uncomfortable. We count on the collaboration of the team of Hypnoceres is formed by professionals in Medicine and Surgery, specialists in Anesthesiology and Resuscitation.